My peppers have sprouted. I was starting to get concerned that my little “guest room garden” wasn’t conducive to peppers quite as much as for the onions…I’ve had everything set up under a lamp in the only free room in the house. The seed packages did say that it would take 10-21 days for the seedlings to take off, but after 18-19 days I was starting to get worried! Finally on day 20, we have sproutage. J
Next to see how the poor little things survive my week-long vacation out of state.
In other gardening news, I spent time yesterday between rain showers applying Milky Spore Disease to our yard and garden. This is an organic grub solution – the grubs ingest the spores, get Milky Spore Disease, and die. The spores live on to infect future generations of the Japanese beetle grub. It was probably quite the sight to see – me measuring out teaspoons full of white powder onto my lawn every four feet – at least one neighbor stopped to ask…