Phew...finally warm enough outside to dig in the dirt. This year I'm planting a lot more, so a little garden plot expansion was necessary. I started on Wednesday, clearing sod to make the plot roughly 3 times its current length. Then, of course, it rained for the entirety of the next two days. So, yesterday (Saturday), I was finally able to get back outside and finish up. I swung by Earl May and Menards for some Omagro compost and organic topsoil - my compost pile was not successful - I'm going to work on that this year, as well. Omagro will do - it's local at least, and heck, it it probably made from the sod I tossed last year!

This morning, I drug myself out of bed in order to spread the compost and topsoil. Ugh, 40 lb bags are not my friend! Then I sorted through my seed packets to determine what needed to go into the ground today. Lettuce mix, dill, radish, and sweet pea seeds are nestled safely in the soil, soon to sprout alongside the onions that are already growing. I'm not sure the origin of the onions for sure -they are either the ones that I didn't pull up last year, or the winter onions I planted in Oct/Nov (a gift from a friend's mom). Either way, at least something is growing!