Sunday, March 30, 2008

Starting some onion seeds...outside!

I read about this in Mother Earth News a couple of months can start seeds in milk jugs as an alternative to using lights inside (for those of us without much interior room to spare). I decided to start my onions this way...hopefully it works!
I took several milk jugs (collecting from friends since I don't drink milk) and cut them in half, leaving one side intact to function as a hinge.

Using my organic potting soil, I filled each jug with about 3 inches of soil. The soil was generously moistened, and the onion seeds were spaced in the soil, about 1 inch apart.

I taped the jugs shut (all I could find was electrical tape, but I may replace it), leaving the caps off.

Each jug was paced inside a garbage bag, which was tied shut with a rubber band.

These jugs/bags will stay on a sunny spot on my deck for the spring, where the onion seeds will hopefully spout inside the insulated environment...we'll see... I'll check on them for water and heat needs as necessarily...those issues weren't included in the directions!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Planning for spring

I’m probably months behind schedule compared to “serious” gardeners who know what they are doing, but nevertheless, I have started!  The spring-like weather of the past two days has put me in the gardening mood, so with that comes a Garden Blog update. 

This years goals include: 

  • an expanded plot
  • more variety in veggies
  • select herbs
  • a new attempt at composting
  • and a better effort at preserving


n addition to my veggie garden, the DH and I are joining a CSA (splitting a share with ML), so fresh local produce with be abundant come this summer.  I can’t wait!

Today, I put in an order for seeds and some transplants.  From Seedsavers, I order a variety pack of pepper and tomato transplants, to be delivered for mid-May planting.  I also order seeds for dill, anise, cilantro, wormwood, english lavender, purple basil (doesn’t that sound pretty?), dwarf gray sugar peas, cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, brown onions, plum purple radishes, a lettuce mix…  I’m really excited about the transplants!  The pepper sampler includes Alma Paprika, Buran, Jimmy Nardello’s, King of the North, Sheepnose Pimento, and Orange Bell peppers.  In the tomato sampler are Amish Paste, Brandywine, Gold Medal, Green Zebra, Mexico Midget and Stupice.


From Seeds of Change, I ordered seeds for Calabrese broccoli, Charentais cantalope, St. Valery carrots, butternut and spaghetti squash…

Hmmm…I don’t think I ordered any zucchini…but a friend at work offered to share, so maybe that’ll do.  I also have a packet of green bean seeds from him. 

This year I’m going to do my reseach!  Things will be planted more carefully, at the right time, and with the right soil conditions (as best as I can manage).  A lot of the herbs I ordered are said to repel bad bugs and/or attract good ones.  I’ll give the tomatoes enough room to spread out, and keep them caged as best I can…I’ll be the best home veggie farmer ever!  OK, maybe I’m jumping the gun a little…J  Hurry up Spring!