Ouch. I am so sore… a seemingly simple garden expansion yesterday morning turned into an all-day ordeal, ending with a very exhausted me flopped on the sofa, unable to move. What happened? Well, if you recall, I’ve filled my already-expanded plot and still have seeds and seedlings left to into the ground. So I needed more space. I didn’t get any zucchini seeds, so while I was at the farmers market buying salad and bread, I searched for a zucchini seedling… and ended up with the following:
- Pineapple tomato
- Holy mole pepper
- Anaheim peppers
- Zucchini
- Eggplant
- 2 Strawberries
- 2 Peppermints
- Catnip
And then one of my fellow belly dancers offered up some of her extra tomato and pepper seedlings for free. Surely I have enough willpower to say no. Nope, guess not. That adds to my pile of plants:
- Beefsteak tomato
- 2Roma tomatoes
- 2 Habanera peppers
- 2 Chile peppers
This is definitely more than I planned on putting into the ground – my intentions were just to make enough room for the several packets of squash seeds sitting on my counter. But I could handle it, right? I mean, the first expansion this summer took up most of an afternoon of digging up sod, but it came up easy enough… I got up early on Sunday and headed to the local hardware store/garden center for a new (supposedly better) shovel and some organic topsoil. I also picked up some more tomato stakes, a few stepping stones…and some lettuce and spinach seedlings. Eek! More plants! Oh, and some geraniums to help shield my tomatoes…
Back home, I started to dig. And dig and dig and dig. The sod did not want to budge! I’m not sure if it was too dry or if the season had advanced enough that our grass roots are really taking hold, but after 2 hours, I had barely made a dent. Finally I gave up so I could get to belly dance practice on time… Sigh… After practice, I got right back out there and dug until dinner time. And after dinner time until dark… About 20 minutes before the sun had sunk below the horizon, I decided I’d had enough and should put in as many plants as I could before the light disappeared completely. At this point, my dear husband came out and took up the shovel, offering to help IF I swore not to let the garden get any bigger! Not a problem, honey – this is big enough for me!
I still didn’t get my squash in the ground. Sigh… but the new tomatoes, pepper, lettuces, and flowers are all in. The catnip will be potted, as will the peppermint. A nice lady at the farmers market told me that she keeps squash bugs at bay by planting her gourds in her peppermint patch, but I think I’ll pot them and sink them in the ground that way first. I don’t need a yard full of mint! The strawberries will probably go in the current radish patch – tonight I’ll harvest radishes if I get a chance…
So, gardening season is in full swing in the Happy Little Garden…only it’s not so little anymore! I’ll throw up some photos next chance I get…
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