Monday, May 5, 2008

Another shot to rot

Well, I have officially failed as a composter.  Yeah, I pretty much stink at it… Last year’s attempt at letting my food waste rot in a box yielded some not-all-that-rotten food waste in a box.  Hmmm…I bet if I’d tried to prevent everything from rotting, it would have actually worked.  Go figure.


So, anyhoo, I’m moving on and starting a new with a beautiful overpriced compost tumbler, the Envirocycle.  It’s pretty.  It arrived on Saturday with blessedly little packaging – just sitting in its box with no padding. Not that it needed padding – it just seems that companies these days over-package EVERYTHING.  (Don’t even get me started on the gift card I ordered for my dad at Christmas that came in bubble wrap!)  I’m glad the Envirocycle folks figured out that a large flexible plastic can was not likely to break without the company of Styrofoam peanuts.  Good job, people!


So, as soon as I cover our back yard in Coop Poop this afternoon, I’ll roll out the new tumbler and we’ll let the rotting fun begin again… J


On a gardening note – I finally got my mile-long green beens in the ground.  I need to post some photos soon.  I definitley have dwarf sweet peas shooting up.  There are also sprouts in the lettuce and radish patches, but I have since forgetten which patch is which, so I’ll have to wait until they get a wee bit bigger to identify them. J  Happy spring, all!

1 comment:

theunicycleguy said...

here's the composting formula i use.

(veggie scraps, grass clippings, leaves, whateva) + dirt + regular rotation + a little bit of water = good compost.

Happy composting!